Thursday, August 21, 2008

The rest of the trip

I didnt write in my journal for the rest of time I was there. I just got too caught up in actually being there. And, truth be told, was too exaughsted to write. On friday we had our last clinic which was out in the middle of no where. We took one of the trucks ...with an open bed, and 2 benches not bolted to the bed...we all sat there with nothing but metal bars to hold us in...It really was a very bumpy ride and everyone would stand on the benches or the bed of the truck and duck whenever a tree branch was about to hit them. I sat for most of it, I was a little afraid of falling out since I am not very graceful. But i did stand for a little bit towards to end. I felt like I was in the jungle on a safari.

We got to the clinic and i was with Adults again, partnered with Seth. Our translator was a kid whose name ive unfortunately forgotten because all of the macho guys were calling him scoops because they wanted him to start doing scoops of protein like them. He was a nice kid, only 17 . He told me he has a girlfriend in South Carolina...she came with a high school trip and they 'fell in love' talk about long distance relationships. We saw a lot of kids too surprisingly. One little girl had a severely infected ingrown toenail. We also saw a case of trick, and a woman who reported a crazy sexual history I wont even repeat. This place was crawling with dogs begging for food, it was sad but they were kind of annoying because they would come right up to you unlike the other dogs weve experienced throughout the week. Anna made me try to speak spanish to the patients to tell them how to take there medications which i felt so stupid trying to do...una pastilla! one pill! I spent sometime with Mario in the pharmacy again because he was probably my favorite translator....maybe because he always tells me to smile because he loves my smile, how flattering.
We ended up getting out clinic early because we had so many of us running our own tables, amazing how we are now confident enough to do that. We had to say goodbye to the translators, which was so sad. I never could thank them enough for all their work.

When we got back I was so tired i collapsed into bed and intended on only taking a one hour nap, but it quickly stretched to 2. I was in such a daze when I woke up, i tripped leaving the room forgetting a step and twisted my ankle! I limped the rest of the night, in pain. I put ice on it.
I did some laundry and emailed my mom. Will ordered us pizza, which wasnt as saucy as it is here and they give you packets of ketchup to add sauce if you want too,...knowing that i do not care for the ketchup I opted out and ate it as it was, which was good. We then gathered in the meeting area and watching a pirated copy of "the dark knight" and actually had working speakers this time. After the movie we played cards and then went to bed.

In the morning we were leaving to Managua. We got up, ate one last breakfast with the staff of al ayudante, said our goodbyes and loaded up the bus . We drove for about an hour and a half and go to the volcano sight. We stopped once at a gas station to get some drinks, Laura and I took a picture with a security guard that was manning the door with a HUGE gun, which we thought was halarious. When we got to the volcano we had to pay 2 bucks each but it was worth it. It was so beautiful, we climbed up top and stared down into the volcano which was filled with a gassy haze. After being up there for to long we started coughing and I could feel the gas burning my throat so I took that as a sign that it was time to go, as it was. We all loaded back onto the bus, and continued our drive to the matagalpa market. I bought a few souvneiers for family and myself. beautiful pottery, and 2 t-shirts as well as some pirated dvds of course. Laura was sick so we ran to a la pharmacia and got her some cold medicine which was a challenge telling the man what we wanted with limited spanish....she sniffled and coughed and ended up with some sort of medicine which ended up working thankfully.
(the volcano scenery, we hiked up the the cross)
We left and headed to the hotel near the airport where we were staying for the night. We had lunch there as we were starving from not eating since breafast, we went to the pool for a second decided we needed naps, so we went back to our rooms. after an hour nap, or rest really because my bed was as hard as a rock and the pillow felt like one cotton ball behind my head, we got up and got ready for our banquet dinner. We all got dressed up and looked pretty....and for once we had air conditioning which was such a blessing, my hair finally wasnt curling like it does in heat.

We had some a nice meal and all went around saying something about the trip and how it has affected us. I said it was so nice to finally meet a group of people that have the same philosophy that i do, that its one thing to sit around and acknowledge the problems in the world, but that i want to be someone who actually does something about it. Dr. kern and anna did a suprelative game and gave me the award for "most likely to cheer you up with a smile" they said i always had such a positive attitude and a smile on my face no matter what. I was so flattered !!!! Will went around and said something about everyone, he said that i was the sweetest girl ever. I thought that was nice. I never really though I was being anything more than myself and for someone who didnt spend much time with me to think I am sweet, is such a nice thing to be said. I honestly dont think i stood out more than anyone else on that trip, everyone is so wonderful.

After that, we went to the casino at the hotel, tried to gamble but there werent very many machines so we stood around and enjoyed the free drinks. People were hogging a few machines at a time and one man was running the roulette table by himself and wouldnt let anyone else play. So instead, we left the casino and went and met as a smaller group by the pool to talk and bond on our last night. We all went to bed around 2 am and got up at 4 am to leave for the airport. Our plain left at 6 but was delayed until 7. I slept most of the flight to miami, arriving at 12:30 there and then we had a 7 hour layover . Because of the hurricaine coming in the weather was a bit hazy and rainy , so a few of us stayed at the airport and others left to go to South Beach. I stayed and read in the airport. It went by so fast , and before I knew it I was getting my bags in detroit and headed home to cleveland.

I cant believe how wonderful the trip turned out. I honestly believe i have made friends for life as i already have made plans with so many of them. I feel compelled to start of this year with a new dedication to nursing and medicine. I really want to get every piece of knowledge I can, do kick ass on my boards, return to nicaragua after learning more spanish, and possible go to medical school in the future.

Honestly since returning i havent done anything but think abotu the trip and stare at pictures . I cant express the feelings i have within me now. I definitely am sort of in a culture shock...even just going to the store yesterday and how different it is. Its truly amazing. I could never express to anyone how blessed we are. If anyone ever has to the chance to visit Nicaragua, I would say do it. Its definitely a once in a lifetime opportunity that forever changes you as a person.

(the whole group at the volcano)

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