Friday, August 8, 2008


The plane to nicaragua takes of tomorrow morning at 6 am. and I will be on that plane!.
this week has been full of so many challenges...a migraine on monday, colonoscopy on wed, and ER visit on thursday due to some complications. i cant even believe it! I was crying in the ER so afraid something more serious was going on and that i wouldnt be able to go on the trip.....but everything came back i got my prescription of pain meds and i was sent home to rest.
Now i just have finish packing. yuck.

I cannot believe how this has sneaked up on me! Summer just flew by! I feel so strange about leaving. im so content and excited and at peace but some anxiousness is mixed in there.

It seems i always worry about things and then they unfold so easily and fall into place that it was always silly to worry. You would think i would learn something from that? nah.

So off to nicaragua I am to do 5 days of free clinics and 2 days of touristy things! and then i will be back....i cant even imagine what this experience will do to me, how it will change me as a person and the appreciation i will receive for my life. (which I cant even imagine being more grateful for)....

I will update with my stories when i can....probably when i get back! and lots of photos will be taken!

so off i go to pack !!!!

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