Wednesday, November 9, 2011

this is what i have been spending most of my free time watching

im almost finished and i dont know what to do with myself. i watched this show when it first aired, when i was a freshman in high school. watching it now has made me miss college like crazy!! i really think they hit the whole nail on the head with the "lost 20 something" idea.

and a cute scott speedman doesnt hurt :)

i cant believe halloween has came and went. now we are looking forward to the holidays. My sister in law is doing thanksgiving for the first time and I am doing christmas for the first time. Im so excited and nervous. Im going to make my mommas sweet potatoes for thanksgiving which will be my first try and take over of my moms tradition. i invited her down to teach me and pass the torch.

The holiday season is fast approaching and im so excited!!! i cant wait to decorate my house and listen to the holiday cheer music and shop and wrap presents. and mason is so excited to decorate our christmas tree!!

but before christmas we are focusing on thanksgiving. and this little guy is who i am most thankful for this year :

No need to fear everyone !!! Mason is here!! :)