Thursday, April 23, 2009

Heard an owl during meditation and prayer (magic).
thought that might be a good omen so i googled it...
Throughout many cultures, the symbolic meaning of owl deals with:

Native American tribes (primarily plains’ Indians) viewed the owl as a protector against harm and their feathers were ritually worn to ward of evil spirits.

Ancient Athenians made the owl an emblem of wisdom and even emblazed the image of the owl on their coinage. To the ancient Greeks, the owl is a symbol of Athene who is goddess of foresight & knowledge.

Taking symbolism from the owl directly, it is noteworthy that it is a creature of the night. Nocturnal creatures are symbolic of inner-knowing, psychic ability, and intuition - so too is the owl.

If an owl has visited you, an incredible gift has been bestowed. Also, keep in mind that animals are only called to those who share the same energy. In other words, you hold within you some of the very same symbolic attributes the owl represents.

To illustrate, you may have abilities to know things that others do not know. It may be likely you have very strong intuitive abilities that can be fine-tuned. Further, you may be strong-willed person, and/or have a protective side to you. I can already tell from your email that you are mentally sharp - so we know you have this in common with the owl already.

These owl sightings may be messages for you to develop your education further.

good sign?

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