Wednesday, March 18, 2009

wow. its been a while.
spirng break was amazing. I had a wonderful family oriented birthday, with a surprise party which was fabulous !! I have never tasted a better chocolate cake.
I went to my dads after that and saw my family there. which was fun. I miss my daddy and he is so awesome.
Then i had my interview at Christ Hosp in cinci. Which went well. Although, they informed me they are no longer hiring in the Geri unit, and instead asked me if i was interested in interviewing for psych....i said yes. I need a job so bad that ill do anything and at least this will get my foot in the door. Im still keeping options open and praying praying praying for NICU or the best option for me. I have a second interview this friday which sucks that i have to drive back but gives me an excuse to go back to Mark's this weekend =). After i left the hospital i thought my car sounded funny so i pulled over sort of across the street frm the hosp. in a apt. parking lot...totally ghetto, not the nicest part of town. And i had a flat tire. Looking totally preppy in my express pants and a sweater over a blouse with my headband and straightened hair....little white girl. I must say, after a little crying freak out missed with laughter to my ever so patient boyfriend, i handled it quite well. I spent my new birthday money on a tow truck and a new tire. fabulous.

i spent the rest of my break in kentucky. went to the old farm that mark's family used to live on. hiked threw the crazy. I seriously was in awe. Im amazed by the land and the beauty of it. it made me fall in love 200002080915 times more.

Im so amazed by my life, the way things are working out so flawlessly...the amount of happiness i have within me and the love i feel and have. im looking forward to the summer, and starting something new. its so exciting!!!!

today in clinical preceptor i held a sigmoid colon in my was pretty sweet....thats all the news i have on the clinical front!

I got to go watch american idol and see who gets the boot...carrie underwood is seriously amazing

that is all!!! ill write more lata!

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