Thursday, December 30, 2010

In the mood to blog. i dont know what it is. its been such a long time which seems to be the same introductory statement i use for every blog ive done in the
past as they got fewer and farther in between. today is that day before new years eve. the year is almost over and i greet this with intense anxiety regarding all the things that are ahead! such as : my wedding, which inclused a ton of planning, my honeymoon, which also includes planning, finances for both!!!! planning will be done from kentucky with several trips to ohio which is being impaired by our inability to have reliable transportation . i have to drop my car off on monday to get fixed after some body damage recently, illl have a rental though so ill have to come back to cleveland in like 2 weeks to swap again.,..marks car is constantly having trouble and is currently in the shop despite having been told it would be done monday the part is still not in . mark is supposed to leave tomorrow to come to new years eve here with mason and see my family however its becoming evident this will be hard to achieve with no car...hopefully we can figure something otu as i feel constantyl shafted by not having mark around my family due to stupid issues such as this that always seem to arise around the time of my families plans...such as a blizzard on christmas eve preventing him coming with me which caused a separeted christmas,...hopefully now we dont have a separated new years eve...i dont know what it is that the fates are against mark coming would be easy to blame him but i know these things are out of out control. i just wish it could be easier instead of me being constantly let down. i just wish it wasnt so far.
my new years plans are to spend time in mansfield at my dads with af ondue party similar to the way it was when i was younger...this is the first year in many i havent spent it with friends downing drinks and listening to music/bands in a pretty dress. im looking forward to it because truth be told ive missed being with my family. so a fondue party is what it is going to be.
when i get back to kentucky its time to start applying to grad school again. i only applied to two schools last year, didnt get into one and got into the other but it was a masters program with actual classes instead of being online so i couldnt swing that with my night schedule at the time, and honestly couldnt with my new job either sicne the clases were during the day and i am monday through friday. so i heard of some other schools i can apply to in addition to retrying the one i didnt get into since id idnt have much experience but now i have another year under my belt to try again and all of those programs are online so hopefully next fall ill be entering my nurse practioner program. its hard settling with family as i really think about doing more acute things than diagnosing infections but i feel itll be a good base with all the health reform coming up an esitmated like 30.000 are going to be getting insurance that dont have it now and there with be a hiring deand for pcp . so i think itll be smart to go that route...dreaming can continue and possibly i can change later and get specializations in more acute areas. i dont know. im constantly dreaming and thinking.
if only icould control the world lol
welll im gonna try and keep this up. its a good relief to get things out and i like to write its just hard when life becomes so routine post college and the day to day thing just goes by and before you know it days are weeks and weeks are months...time just flies on by. i need to slow down a bit and enjoy every moment as it lasts.

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