I got up early today so that i could hurry up and wait. was supposed to go to kentucky but now im not leaving till 2 because bf has something now to do that he just informed me of, i could get into the politics of this but i wont.
i realized i never blogged the story of Stormy my new mechanic. so ill do that.
about 3 weeks ago, i had a meeting with my peri-op class on a friday, after this meeting i was going to go to kentucky to see my bf and because it was his neice's birthday whom i promised with my whole heart i would be at her party because she asked and begged for me to come. i guess kids love me or something. buT ANYWAYS, after the class i stopped to get gas, then I realized i had forgotten something at home, so i ran home, got what i forget, and when i got back into my car it wouldnt start. so i started freaking out a bit, ran inside to get the little car jumper my dad got me, but when i tried to hook it up i couldnt find the postive connector on my battery so i realized the jumper thing was dead, i searched my car and of course i dont have jumper cables, and i really had no idea what i was doing lets face it. SO i called my dad which i always do in times like this and of course he thinks im just turning the key wrong, and he thinks it might be the starter, so he tells me to start calling some shops, so i do that and all of them are telling me that cant get the car until monday or tuesday and thats too late for me i wouldnt make it to the party and lets face it the car is stuck in the drive way and needs to be moved because leah has to go to work! i got places to be! so i tell dad this and recommends that i try to jump it and ask a neighbor to help me. So i went to the neighbors and rang the doorbell, there was no answer, so i figured either Hanna (the nurse next door who works nights) must have been sleeping, so i ran to my downstairs neighbors, knocked and waited and realized no one was home. As i did that i heard the next door neighbors open the door and shut it, so i ran back over there, knocked this time, and Hanna comes to to door looking like she just woke up, i apologized for that but she said it was the UPS man who woke her up, which really was me 10 minutes prior, not the UPS man but hey, let her think that! I told her my car wouldnt start and so she got Ben, her brother in law to come out and jump my car with his jeep. He has on combat boots and short shorts ( i dont know) and then he manually pushes my car into the street (wow) and he proceeds to connect the thingys and TAA DAAA my car starts. He tells me that i just need to let it run, and drive it aruond and itll be fine. So Im like ya whatever and i get on my way to kentucky. im like 45 minutes into my drive when i reaize my car starts to overheat...which it does when its low on coolant, and i think i have a coolant leak as well as my oil leak, my car is just that awesome. I stop at a gas station in a little podunk town called North Baltimore, i mean we are literally in the middle of butt ass nowhere. and its a trucker gas station on 75. so i run inside get a cone and fill up with coolant, and then i get back in the car.....what do you think happens? You are right. tHE CAR WOULDNT START. so im freaking otu again...i go inside and ask the lady (who, to be friendly i will just desribe as your traditional small country town gas station attendent, let your imagination make of that what it will) if they sell jumper cables. she doesnt know, and asks her husband who is in the back in the office (he happens to be the manager, and has winged hair...sidenote: winged hair is when then man has a buzz on the sides but the top layer is long and parted down the middle and kind of hangs over the buzzed sides) he shows me where they are, i purchase them and then ask him if he would mind using them. so he drives his old ass truck to my car, tries it out and then when it doesnt work he decides to get his wifes oldsmobile and tries it again then admits he knows nothing about cars. im just sitting there watching. he then goes over and asks all of the people currently at the gas station getting gas, cigs, or lottery tickets to come over and take a look. so now im sitting in my car with about 15 people around the front of the car trying to figure it out. a woman with a mullet, and a mom sweatshirt (sidenote: a mom sweatshirt is a sweatshirt that doenst have a hood) gray with mickey mouse on the front, grey spandex sweatpants, and tennis socks pulled up over the sweatpants with white LA sneakers takes to me and starts talking me as i am on the phone trying to talk to my dad. she tells me she has a daughter my age but she makes her take peper spray everywhere, recommends this to me, is shock i am on my own driving so far, and invites me to dinnerat her house, but reassures me that i am safe. some of the people decide that its my started, others think my battery is dead, and some are just plain confused. so the gas station manager tells me he is going to call the town mechanic names "Stormy" ....he calls him, and within 10 minues Stormy and his son Stormy Jr. pull in . they take a look at my car. Stormy takes a very large wrench thing and starts beating the side of my car with it. im just in shock at this point, he looks up at me and says "its your starter"...these are the only words i have ever heard stormy say. so stormy and the manager make a deal, he stormy and stormy jr. hook my car up to his and take it away. i am now stranded at this gas station. i go inside and sit down, the manager offers me cookies his wife baked, i politely decline although i am starving, i just didnt feel right eating. the manager takes my dads credit card, charges it and gives me the money to pay for the work being done. I wait and wait and wait. i watch an underage thug try to steal cigarattes, but this woman practically jumps over the counter and gets them back, i get to know a lot of the town folk, a few people stop my (including the mullet lady) several times to get lottery tickets and then turn the winners in for more lottery tickets thus is a neverending process of more and more lottery tickets, and then a man comes in and just hangs out at the gas station everyday, he does some cleaning and coffee making there for free, and he says he even mows the law around the gas station for free, he just likes to help out , got nothing else to do. 3 hours pass and stormy returns with my car. charges me 160 $ ....pretty cheap, gives me his phone number and his son tells me to call him anytime to get work done on my car if i am ever in trouble, they travel as far as Michigan. and i take off, on my way, to kentucky and i made it to the birthday party. I will forever hold the residents and gas station of North Baltimore in my heart.
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