of all the moods i have been in, this would not be the best, not the worst but not the best
im starting to freak out about NCLEX and HESI i had a dream i got an 846 on the HESI , need an 850 to pass it.
I talked to the HR dept from Cinci childrens that called me about the NICU position i applied for. The woman reported that all the new grad positions have been filled. They will be filling new grad floor nurses at the end of summer. NICU is the only place that hasnt hired new grads, but isnt look to yet. SHe said she is pushing them to make the decision to start interviewing new grads because she has several interested applicants. She said to keep in contact with her but usually they dont make this choice until April. I could look at this as promising, but i dont really.
i called Christ hosp back since they called me about the app i put in for the geriatric unit. they didnt answer b ut i left a message
im just worried, everyone is hiring but not new grads.
its just a weird position to be in, on the brink of adultland. I feel like everyone around me should be on the same page and there not.
Im starting to define the things i want for myself, and in my life. the future that i envision in terms of career, friendships, travelling, relationships, and family.
to embark on a deep thought:
How do you know if the love you have is enough. Sometimes people do things that we dont agree with but we cant control them. Controlling someone into living the life you envision for them and for you isnt love. But at the same time you want them to want the same things you do. How do you figure that out. Do you just walk away when its not 100% perfect. do you make compromises? What are the deal breakers in relationships. how do you define them? What if you turn your back on something that could be wonderful because of a deal breaker that you feel is so important but in reality and the grand scheme of things it is miniscule in comparision to the happiness you would feel if you chose to be more open minded. If one person sees something as inherently horrible and another as something that is okay and maybe good who is right? are they both right? how do you compromise that?
if you believe something is okay for some and not for others are you being judgemental and close minded. are we all equal. do the rules apply to everyone.
lets apply this. I think sky diving is foolish. if a someone not close to me wants to go sky dive, more power to them, it doesnt bother me. but if my mother does, id flip....thats just not going to happen, id have to stop her.
maybe not a severe enough example.
but maybe things arent as bad when they dont involve people we care about. but when it gets close to home, we have an opinion.
is this making any sense?
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