Friday, January 16, 2009


since before christmas i have had swollen lymph nodes on my throats, just obnoxious...
decided to go to the Health center on campus today, because i was convinced i had an infection of some kind and needed and antibiotic.
got blood work drawn, and i have MONO.
no wonder i am so tired, and warn out.
so now im laying on the couch, on a friday freezing night....succumbing to the illness that i have been pushing aside to ignore for a while now.

oh the luck.

1 comment:

Annel said...

I have tears in my eyes, reading this I get so sucked up in what you writing as if I am reading a wonderful novel. however the tears come and the hands go to the heavens to thank God ...for the miracle I Have watched for 22 almost 23 years. You are a beautiful soal. I love you .
PS: I wish I could have done your little backies.