Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Im home. Which isnt where i want to be. Granted i feel so grateful to have hot showers, a clean floor, 4 walls, a ceiling NOT made of tin, and a bug free bed. But nicaragua was the most rewarding experience of my life. I kept a journal while there and i will blog what i wrote for each day.

i feel so whole . like a piece of soul has been awakened. I feel purpose in life. You can prepare yourself for the things you know you will be seeing, but seeing them through your eyes right in front of you is different.

There isnt a single portion of me that doenst believe medicine is the right field for me. I know that i was born to do this now. With school starting on monday i am ready to face my boards at the end of the year, to soak up every minute piece of knowledge i can get my hands on, and be the best nurse I can be so that i can use my knowledge and life to serve . I am so happy and so full of life after that experience. I honestly cant even stop smilling.

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