Tuesday, July 29, 2008

rapid pulse

after a several week hiatus from working out, i hit the gym today....i got on the treadmill which is something i never do. I do not run. Big chests and fast legs dont really go together if you get my drift.....im self conscious about that....plus im thoroughly convinced that i am the most unattractive runner in the world...it just looks uncoordinated and aweful....so wouldnt wish that view on my worst enemy.
but my eliptical was taken but a rather large man who was going at a old mans pace.....i supressed the urge to push him off because that would be rude and i put on a brave face and hopped on the treadmill. i started off kind of slow and gradually tried to up the speed...but the button wasnt working..i couldnt figure out why but then it hit me.....i was increasing the incline...not the speed.
so i found the CORRECT button and increased my speed...went at a good pace for about 4 minutes and then upped it to a run...which lasted me about 45 seconds. i felt like i was going to collapse and i slowed it down....i could feel the fat mans gaze on me....but he doesnt intimidate me....so i walk off the exaughstion and about half of just 1 of the 7 cookies i ate at work today...and tried to run again,...all in all my work out lasted about 20 minutes....i leave before the fat man...and head home...i confess i wanted to attempt trying to lift weights because my arms are flabby...but i felt i gave the fat man more than he bargained for today at the gym.......
so i get home to a screaming cat (He's very vocal when hungry)....and i literally want to collapse in front of the a/c when i realize i forgot my cell phone somewhere....i knew i didnt take it to the gym (come on now! im not that girl!) ....its not in my purse, my room, the bathroom, OR the refridgerator (i know i know but its been known to happen and I did buy milk) i checked my car but being overheated and getting back into a fire hot car doenst feel so good so i sort of half assed the search party there......and still nothing....i probably left it at the mini mart when i bought milk ....im known to lose my phone everywhere i go.......so here i sit...sweaty and phoneless.......complaining.....

hope my story amuses someone .....ugh.

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